Ultimate Anti Crash System By CrispyBow
- Block crash code in chat
- Avoid writing crash code to sign
- Deletes illegal items in inventory
- Avoid using crash code in commands
- Added config.yml
- Editable all messages!
- Title messages (Coming)
- /anticrash or /acrash
- /anticrash reload - (Reload config.yml)
- anticrash.reload
if you don't have permission:
Code (Text):
[LEFT][B][LEFT] Prefix: '&8[&bAntiCrash&8] &r'
Reload-Config: '&aThe config has been reloaded.'
No-Permission: '&cYou don''t have permission for this command!'
Chat-Crash: '&cYou have written an incorrect message!'
Sign-Crash: '&cYou have written an incorrect sign message!'
Crash-With-Command: '&cYou have written an incorrect message!'
Illegal-Items: '&cIllegal items were found and deleted on your inventory!'
Inventory-Crash: '&cYou have written an incorrect item name!'[/LEFT]
[LEFT][B][LEFT] Prefix: '&8[&bAntiCrash&8] &r'
Reload-Config: '&aThe config has been reloaded.'
No-Permission: '&cYou don''t have permission for this command!'
Chat-Crash: '&cYou have written an incorrect message!'
Sign-Crash: '&cYou have written an incorrect sign message!'
Crash-With-Command: '&cYou have written an incorrect message!'
Illegal-Items: '&cIllegal items were found and deleted on your inventory!'
Inventory-Crash: '&cYou have written an incorrect item name!'[/LEFT]
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