CrispyDisguise | Disguise a random player & SKIN CHANGE & TITLES & PermissionsEx (Like MCGamer)
- PermissionsEx Support
- NEW GroupManager Support
- Skin change system
- Random names
- Chat format (Soon)
- Alphabetic names
- Config
- Unlimited skins (Skins.yml)
- Placeholders
- Disguise check (Check a disguised players)
- Random skins
- You can see your disguise skin
- Advanced Config Settings
- Custom commands
- Titles & Subtitles
- Changing display name
- Changing tablist name
- 1.8.X Support
- /disguise or /d - Disguise a random player name & skin
- /undisguise or /ud - Returns to original name
- /disguisecheck or /dc - Check a disguised player
- /crispydisguise - CrispyDisguise main command
- /crispydisguise help - Help for CrispyDisguise
- /crispydisguise reload - Reload config.yml
- crispydisguise.disguise
- crispydisguise.undisguise
- crispydisguise.disguisecheck
- crispydisguise.reload
- [*]{newname}
Code (YAML):
# CrispyDisguise RECODED 1.8 - 1.12
prefix: '&8(&bCrispyDisguise&8) &r'
reload-config: '&aThe config file has been reloaded'
console-error: '&cYou can not use this command from console!'
not-permission: '&cYou do not have permission for this command!'
player-not-online: '&cThat player is not online!'
already-disguised: '&cYou are already disguised!'
disguised: - '{pr}&fYou now appear as {disguise_color}{disguised_name}'
- '{pr}&fUndisguise use, &7/&eundisguise'
already-undisguised: '&cYou are not disguised!'
undisguised: '&aYou are undisguised.'
usage: '&cUse: /disguisecheck <player>'
checkmsg: - '{pr}&eDisguise Check&8:'
- '{pr}&fReal Name&8: &a{real_name}'
- '{pr}&fDisguise Name&8: &c{disguised_name}'
- '{pr}&fDisguise Time&8: &6{disguise_time}'
- '{pr}&fDisguise Date&8: &6{disguise_date}'
time-format: HH:mm:ss
date-format: dd MMM yyy
disguise-color: '&9'
change-tab-color: true
respawn-on-disguise: true
titles: # Title Placeholders
# {newname} = Your disguise name
enabled: true
disguise-title: '&2{disguised_name}'
disguise-subtitle: '&aYou now appear as &2{disguised_name}'
undisguise-title: '&c'
undisguise-subtitle: '&aYou have been undisguised!'
alphabetic-names: # If you activate this, the player selects random letters from the alphabet when it is disguise
# Example: "5iDaj" , "gS8dVA"
enabled: false
length: 7
prefix: '&8(&bCrispyDisguise&8) &r'
reload-config: '&aThe config file has been reloaded'
console-error: '&cYou can not use this command from console!'
not-permission: '&cYou do not have permission for this command!'
player-not-online: '&cThat player is not online!'
already-disguised: '&cYou are already disguised!'
disguised: - '{pr}&fYou now appear as {disguise_color}{disguised_name}'
- '{pr}&fUndisguise use, &7/&eundisguise'
already-undisguised: '&cYou are not disguised!'
undisguised: '&aYou are undisguised.'
usage: '&cUse: /disguisecheck <player>'
checkmsg: - '{pr}&eDisguise Check&8:'
- '{pr}&fReal Name&8: &a{real_name}'
- '{pr}&fDisguise Name&8: &c{disguised_name}'
- '{pr}&fDisguise Time&8: &6{disguise_time}'
- '{pr}&fDisguise Date&8: &6{disguise_date}'
time-format: HH:mm:ss
date-format: dd MMM yyy
disguise-color: '&9'
change-tab-color: true
respawn-on-disguise: true
titles: # Title Placeholders
# {newname} = Your disguise name
enabled: true
disguise-title: '&2{disguised_name}'
disguise-subtitle: '&aYou now appear as &2{disguised_name}'
undisguise-title: '&c'
undisguise-subtitle: '&aYou have been undisguised!'
alphabetic-names: # If you activate this, the player selects random letters from the alphabet when it is disguise
# Example: "5iDaj" , "gS8dVA"
enabled: false
length: 7
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